Author Skye Falcon Medical Chaos, Chronically Awesome Issues, & Information Auto Immune Summit: Notes from Nutritionist Brianne Williams

Auto Immune Summit: Notes from Nutritionist Brianne Williams


Auto Immune Summit: Notes from Nutritionist Brianne Williams


In November of 2014, I attended the AutoImmune Summit that was brought to you by Dr. Amy Myers. In this week long session, multiple specialists, doctors, and top notch doctors in the field of functional medicine addressed multiple topics related to autoimmunity, our bodies, and natural world around us. Each doctor discussed their specialty, and gave tips, tricks and suggestions for people seeking out a more natural cure to their ailments.

This section of notes was taken during Nutritionist Brianne Williams segment with Dr. Myers. As with all of our notes from this summit, they are just that, notes. If you have questions about any of these topics, please seek out the actual doctor, practice, or even your own general practitioner, or doctor of your choosing.

Points from Brianne Williams, RD LD.

*Fully supports the “Myers Way” diet.

*Foods and Things to completely GIVE UP: sugar, alcohol, GMOs, caffeine, processed foods, trans fat, all grain, beans and legumes.

*INFLAMMATORIES: gluten, dairy, corn, egg, soy, nightshades, and nitrates.

*There is a GENETIC SUSEPTIBILTY for developing certain auto immune diseases.

Ms. Williams went on to give examples of each meal of the day. You’ll find her examples below.

Breakfast: sweet potato hash, breakfast sausage, egg free scramblers, or bone broth.

Lunch & Dinner: Salads, Grilled Meats and vegetables

Snack: Soup, Avocado, green juices

Dessert: Berries or Fruit

Thank you for joining us for another installment of notes from the AutoImmune Summit! Stay tuned for upcoming notes and tid-bits from Terry Wahls, designer of the Wahls diet!


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