Breathing? Who needs it..

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Breathing? Who needs it…


Just another day in my fabulously feathered life…..

While I’ve been in the rut here the past week, writing more words than I’ve EVER written in one week of my life before…I have not been well. While my fingers have been working with me (for once), at times the rest of me is just sort of laying there, waiting for me to collapse in bed. My lungs have started this really special deal, where one minute we’re fine, good, and moving. The next, we’re gasping, and if you stood with me long enough, you could almost hear my lungs filling with mucous. Ah, the joys of ILD and Scleroderma. For real.

Regardless of that, I’ve still got things to do. Projects to finish. Kids to raise, and books to write. I learned a long, long time ago that the world didn’t revolve around me, and I’m so thankful that I understand that today.

Writing Phoenix on Fire opened me up to new ways to write. New takes on conversations, and awkward situations are everywhere. I like to address social issues, controversial things, and things like BDSM in books, because people always fear what they don’t understand. And I’d like to help you to understand. I won’t approach it like other author’s though. I want you to be able to put yourself into these situations, as they are so common in many people’s day to day lives. I want you to be able to be able to imagine yourself in the character roles, and see your friends in them. Character traits are everything, and thoughts tell us what just isn’t said.

THAT said…. almost time for the mandatory rest time. Is it strange that the kids designed this for me?


PS. Want to learn more about ILD? Check out this awesome blog covering the details!

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