Author Skye Falcon Book News & Information Coming Up for AIR! September 2015 & Great Lakes Book Bash

Coming Up for AIR! September 2015 & Great Lakes Book Bash


Coming Up for AIR! September 2015 & Great Lakes Book Bash

So, I’m a tad bit late on my updates for Fall! I’ve neglected the blog for a good reason, I swear! After publishing the third and final full length novel in the Probed Saga, Phoenix Reclaimed, I dove head first into writing my newest stand-alone novel. Not only will I fill you in a little about it on here, I’ll also tell you the title! I’ve mentioned it on Facebook a few times, but kept it under wraps until I knew it was a winner. I’m obsessed. It’s more than a winner. This one gives me *those* feelings!

I’ll also be at the Great Lakes Book Bash this Saturday, October 10 2015, in Kalamazoo Michigan! I’ve done a handful of smaller author events, but this is my FIRST HUGE event! Not only am I taking my novels, but also the Gluten Free for Me and Oh, Forks! Brands! With samples! I’m excited, and nervous…talking to new people makes me want to jump off of a cliff, so I’d ask for your patience, and maybe your conversation starter and approach! Help an introvert out!

Ok, back to it… The new novel I’ve been immersed in for a month: Accidental Life Sentence! I’m hoping to make it live sometime in December! It will be available for e-book and paperback! That would be my 6th publication this year! Unless I manage to finish another cook book in the meantime… Hmmm…..

I can’t wait to introduce you to the Desmond’s; Mira and Lukas. Married in 2004, they faced more than any newlywed couple should have to face in the first year of their marriage. Now in 2014, life rebounds sending them reeling again. You’ll be happy to meet their fine friends, Flagg and…ah, I’ve said too much.

More? Ha. Me too, I just can’t stop! Here’s a write up from one of my BETAs on the GoodTimes Publication crew:

“What would you do if your spouse was severely injured and incapacitated? How would your life change? Would you, could you handle their care? Where would you turn for interaction and contact? Mira Desmond takes you on that journey in Author Skye Falcon‘s newest ‪#‎WIP Accidental Life Sentence!”…

“His accident is her life sentence.” ©2015

While I tried to mainstream this novel to be more of a medical-romance novel, it has instead morphed into a medical-erotic, heavy and emotional roller coaster. I guess it’s impossible to control my inner erotic-freak… Cover design has already begun, and teasers shall be a-plenty!

Well, all for now. I need to get back to this book! It ain’t gonna write itself! *Wink!*

Upcoming: More short stories, an update on Justice for Nancy, and a very soon cover reveal for Accidental Life Sentence!

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