Author Skye Falcon Book News & Information Fall 2015 Updates: And I thought I was Busy Before….

Fall 2015 Updates: And I thought I was Busy Before….

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Fall 2015 Updates: And I thought I was Busy Before….


Hey everyone- friends, followers, family, stalkers and the like! What an insane few months it’s been! I’ve slacked on my blog, but for extremely good reason! SO many things are happening or right on the horizon! Here’s a run-down of the past few months, and what’s coming in the future!

*Newsletter! In 2016, I will be debuting my newsletter, which will run on a quarterly basis. Not only will it have my book info on it, but also the news and work I do for my other business, OH Forks by Gluten Free for Me. Those subscribing to the newsletter will get first news, first dibs on new releases, and chances to pre-read for me! Plus all sorts of bonus goodies like giveaways, freebies, and prizes. Stay tuned for the sign up post, if you’re interested.

*Great Lakes Book Bash was SO much fun this year, that I’ve signed up again in 2017 AND we’ll be sponsoring the welcome bags with goodies from OH, Forks! On top of that event, here are the upcoming events I’ll be at in one form or another:

                -April 2, 2016- Indies of Romance, Fort Wayne, IN: Grand Wayne Center (tickets only)

                -Summer 2016: Local Ft. Wayne Farmer’s Markets: dates & info will post closer to dates

                -September 10, 2016- Indie Unmasked, Indianapolis, IN: (tickets only)

                -October 8, 2016- Glass City Author Event, Toledo, OH: (tickets only)

                -November 2016- Allen County Public Library Author Event: free to all

*ACPL Event in November 2015 was so fun! I loved seeing familiar faces, and getting to know more of my readers! It’s still shocking to have someone come up and tell you how much Janie helped them through a rough patch, or they know me by my name and love the books! GAH! During this event, I began a new giveaway: anyone who signed up for my upcoming newsletter was entered to win either the set of books from the Probed Saga, or three of my gluten free e-book collections! Karen G. was the winner! Congrats, Karen! Hope you enjoy the cook books!

*New Release Coming Soon! In September and October, I was hit in the brain with this book, Accidental Life Sentence, and it flowed freely from my fingers for six weeks until its completion. It is a stand-alone novel, labeled a “medical romance with bits of erotica.” While the story started as a medical romance, I couldn’t settle without a touch of my style of crazy– the more unspeakable taboos of life. This book touches on the things we would truly do for someone we loved, and for ourselves while still trying to live life. So, a medical romance with an intensely heated twist! The book is in edits now, and will hopefully be unveiled and live the beginning of 2016!

*NaNoWriMo SUCCESS! Even though my month of November was full of medical heaviness, I went ahead and decided to challenge myself to see how far I could get. I mean, how do you know if you don’t try? Turns out, Gated Secrets hit the 50k word mark only 14 days in to the competition, and was then completed on the 28th! Gated Secrets deals with a very important issue in our world: human trafficking. It’s a crime mystery novel with a bit of romantic heat. This one is also in edits, and won’t appear until after Accidental Life Sentence is out. Good news on this one? It’s going to be perma-free on my website, and a few other platforms!

That’s all the updates I’ve got for now! I hope each and every one of you reading this has a fabulous holiday season, celebrating with your kiddos and your families, being thankful for the rights, freedoms, and lives we choose to live! Love to you all & here’s to a SUPER 2016!

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