Author Skye Falcon Honest Author Moments & Happenings Free Books, Prizes, Giveaways & Swag…and Losing My Mind.

Free Books, Prizes, Giveaways & Swag…and Losing My Mind.


Free Books, Prizes, Giveaways & Swag…and Losing My Mind.


Being an author isn’t an easy feat. It’s not as easy as 1-2-3, nor do I sit on my ass ALL day long. It’s not just, “write this, send it here, and BOOM. A book. It just doesn’t flow that easily. One must start from the beginning, with an idea that’s been brewing for all too long. Or a dream that’s reoccurred one too many times NOT to write down. Or something that happened in one’s past, or to someone close, that really needs to be revisited for whatever reason. It’s more than just a one time deal. It’s something you must make time for…every…..single… It’s working through the frustration, and mental strains of life. And okay, so, I do sit on my ass SOME times, but I can assure you that my brain never gets one minute off of work.

THAT SAID, it’s almost time for my next giveaway. I’ve been testing out different methods on how to do said giveaway, and polling the public on which method they like the best. As a new author, one way to spread the word is to giveaway your book, in any format. It just so happens that, because I own a few of my own businesses, I’ve always got loot & booty laying around to add to my giveaways! (Say whhhhat?!) I”ll be putting books with more cooking stuff, adult novelty type stuff…and soon some swag! I just got my FIRST T-SHIRT made & sent, too! Exciting stuff!

I beg for your patience while I get a grasp on all of this….FUN…..EXCITING….PAIN IN MY ASS….marketing, and getting myself out there more. Really, if I could become a famous author by hiding in my closet, and writing on a type writer forever, I would. BUT, word is that I need to step out of the box to accomplish my goals. So… it goes. Almost a complete trilogy of books published, and collaborating on a cook book. Ghosting on articles on the internet, and more books in the very near future. THE BIG MOVE is coming soon, too. Plus the heart surgery, the Grandma, my illnesses, and life. INSANITY looms. Should make for an interesting book though, huh?

Your support never goes unnoticed!! Thank you, ALWAYS!!

XO, Skye

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