Author Skye Falcon Justice For Nancy Justice for Nancy: Court, Curbs & Thunderstorms

Justice for Nancy: Court, Curbs & Thunderstorms

2014-06-17 14.46.24

Justice for Nancy: Court, Curbs & Thunderstorms


Maybe I should start this post by welcoming my new readers I so unwillingly met this morning on the curb! You know, I’m real glad you’ve visited, and read up about the FACTS of what’s been happening since someone YOU KNOW beat the shit out of my 80 YEAR OLD GRANDMA and took her ENTIRE LIFE AWAY!! See, facts and evidence…that’s where we’ll begin. Fingering others, and pulling your family members under the bus may be your bag, but we roll with the facts. With the evidence. With the law. It may be that you are dead on with your tidbits of information, and rest assured, I’ll make sure to cover them in the same way I’ve covered the already jailed and accused!! I’m a fair-play kind of lady! And also a lady who avoids trash, street-hillbilly drama, heroine, tequila, and anything or anyone looking like Grimace. (Come on now! You remember that McD’s dude!)

Oh shit! And, before I go on…let me also apologize for insinuating that inmates smoked cigarettes while locked up, wasting away and waiting for trial. What I meant to write was that they get to watch Lifetime, porn and TLC, touch themselves, be touched by others, SEE the food they eat, READ the Bible, CALL their Momma, and LIFT WEIGHTS while locked up! GOD! How AWFUL of me to insinuate someone smoked… What was I thinking?! Hmph. Maybe I watched Orange is the New Black too much?? -I’m so glad you paid close attention to THAT part of my message….. FFS!!! (that means for fuck’s sake, btw..) Show those true colors…..


Today’s court adventure was, as you can read in between my words, colorful, trashy and unexpected. We all always get there early to take our seats, and take in the surroundings. Acclimate to the different atmosphere. Today I took notice to a giant clock on the wall behind us. It was copper, and on one side stood an Indian, and the other and Englishman/Pilgrim. Symbolism always smacks me in the face, so I was quick to pick up the, “always taking from the people giving,” and the “balance of justice” points of the day, and of what he did to her. Lost in my thoughts, I’m then struck by his insane, grotesque, onlyamothercouldlove pinched face. The kind where it’s almost always a look of confusion. Wrinkled forehead, scrunchy, beady black little eyes…and still the same, but possible slender-ing, figure of the accused. I had to look away to get the feeling of sheer anger to leave my body, and exhale the bad. At that moment, I’d like nothing more than eye for an eye. Life for a life. Looking up again, my view had been partially blocked by that female confinement officer… Damnit. M O V E…

He was quick to return my gaze, chewing the hell out of his inner lips. When I see him, it’s hard to not play the whole story through my head, word for word, in my Grandma’s voice. I saw the crime scene where this happened, so this visuals match with the crime, match with the person. I can’t imagine her terror of seeing someone that big, huge, FAT and OGRE looking coming at them. We watched him motion with looks, and facial expressions to his family. Thankfully today they didn’t find things as humorous as in previous court dates…

It’s hard to put into words the multiple rushes of emotions I know we were all having this morning. You’re angry and happy at the same time. Not happy like, “Yay! Ice Cream!” But happy like, “Good. He’s shackled, looks like shit, and going to jail” sort of happy. Your inner voice is screaming for justice, and you’re holding on to every hope its coming. Slowly, coming. And your heart races, and races more when information gets thrown around, and when he’s spouting off being only feet away from you. The glares that are exchanged by all are of course expected, but the ones from him… they steal the oxygen from the room. It’s like staring into blackness, into the dark of nothingness. No cares, no regrets…just some under his breath, nasty ass words as he left the courtroom again, shackled. He sure did show his hot-headed-ness then! Orange is NOT his new black…sort of makes him look washed out. And pasty. For obvious reasons. He was being pushed on out of court by the male confinement officer for his turned around stares and comments. Again, show those true colors…

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Nothing much was accomplished this morning in court, but a reschedule for another pre-trial hearing in a few weeks. More witnesses have been added, and certain records were still out. We’re so thankful for our Prosecutor’s for ensuring they’re getting every detail, and everything covered in this case. All we want is justice for her, as her life was taken away, and she was given a box to live in, blinded, and unaware of her surroundings. We’re taking all her good days, and making great memories to keep in our hearts. If she could, she would be right there fighting for herself with us. She wanted more than anything to see that he got what he deserved. Justice will be hers.

God, I really hope it rains soon…. Definite thunderstorms on the horizon.


Just face the facts, and keep away from us. None of this would be happening now if RIGHT and WRONG had been a constant lesson of life. I’m sure it’s hard facing what your own family member(s) did, but don’t E V E R try to minimize the crime to the victim’s family. That’s just…..well, you pick a word or phrase. Mine wouldn’t be very friendly. Social Media helps us to gain prayers for her, let’s you read the facts, and spreads the word of justice around AS FAR AS IT WILL GO. I would hope, as a human, YOU would do the SAME THING if someone attacked your Grandma…

(PS. A.) “He” means the accused, regardless of how many people you say did it. I don’t speculate. B.) I write these blogs to express my own feelings during each of these court proceedings. My blogs are only that, thoughts and facts of happenings in court. As you’ve read, there are no details of the crime in posts yet, due to this being an ongoing thing, other than what was reported to the media news stations… and I want justice to reign freely. The things written are solely my own thoughts, and while at times I may write about “all of us,” these words are only my own. No laws have been broken, no facts misconstrued. After sentencing, you bet your balls the story will be told. Until then, my thoughts, you will settle for. Something about my First Amendment rights…..I dunno…)


2 thoughts on “Justice for Nancy: Court, Curbs & Thunderstorms”

  1. It’s sad enough that scum like this do evil things like this. But when his family thinks he or them should walk free after the brutal attack he or they did those are the sick ones in the world. I have 2 boys and I would be there for support if they did a crime like this just because I am their father but in no way would I verbally attack the victims family. These family members are just truly classless. Enjoy looking at your son through a glass window because thats what is in store for this animal.

  2. Where do I start?.My daughter pretty much covered the mood of the morning in her blog. Today after court the accused’s family approached us, his mother to apologize, his sister to scream at us, other family members to stand protectively at his mother’s side. Being a mother myself, I can only imagine how his mother must be feeling right now. I’m sure it’s difficult, but nowhere near as difficult as it has been and continues to be for my mother and our family. My 80 year old mother has been through hell these past 14 weeks and our family has lived that hell right along with her. If there were others involved in this crime, I sincerely hope justice will be served, but to downplay what the accused did, because another person may have been involved, to us the family of the true victim, is inappropriate and unfeeling. Another person being involved does not make this monster any less guilty, it only means that another person might be guilty as well. The facts here are my mother DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS! Your son, brother, friend, boyfriend whatever did something cruel and evil and he deserves to be punished for his role in this horrible crime.

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