Author Skye Falcon Justice For Nancy Justice for Nancy: Justice, Truths & Thanks ~ Part 2

Justice for Nancy: Justice, Truths & Thanks ~ Part 2


Justice for Nancy: Justice, Truths & Thanks Part 2


A continuation from Part #1…

Zachery Doan entered the courtroom today, trying to play the part of the scared teenager. Clean shaven, with a fresh haircut, his orange jump suit still stood out more than anything. It was sheer hell to sit through case after case, waiting and waiting. The longer it took, the more police presence arrived. ACSD, FWPD, confinement officers galore….the atmosphere was so much different. It was electric with the nerves and emotions running from both sides. Finally, after a break the court, his case is called. His lawyer spoke, but one could tell he too knew it was hopeless for his guilty client. Next came his family’s statements…. JESUS PEOPLE! YOU’RE STILL IN DENIAL!! Let me quote, “he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Holy shit. I came unglued, and I think I had a mild MI. Honey, your “bubby” didn’t even contest the police reports. That means that he did exactly what it stated, and admitted his guilt! Sort of, because then when the devil himself spoke, he still tried to blame OTHER people! He cried like a baby, too. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was because he finally realized he wasn’t getting away with it, and that no one person WITH A BRAIN believed his bullshit stories. He spoke for himself, as well. His apology had a “but” attached, and placed the blame on others. Still not even taking responsibility for the crime.

Then I heard it, the Prosecution called us up. I’m not sure if I was breathing, because sitting here now, I’m not sure how my legs made the walk. And then to have to sit in front of their ghetto family… I fully expected to get shanked by Grimace. (This “book” is for you, honey! Hope you enjoyed exchanging death stares with our friends!!) But the worst part was then seeing my mom start to shake. For a few moments, I fidgeted to scoot closer to her, not knowing if that was allowed, but determined to get to her. Finally the Prosecutor moved so I could take the seat next to her. Sometimes just having each other makes all of this a bit easier to get through, and I was glad I was there to lend a hand, and a reminder to breathe. My mom did fabulous, and her statement truly gave the picture of how my Grandma was, and is now. My heart raced along with hers, and I couldn’t control my normally hidden tremors.

Then I looked next to me, and the chair was empty. OH Shit. But it was okay, because then there was this rush of energy from behind me to push on. On my other side, the Prosecutor approached to announce me as a witness. I stated my name, and my relation to Grandma. Then I dove in. Concentrating on my written words made it impossible to focus on the tremors. My paper visibly shook, and I stilled it on the desk the best I could. My eyes met the Judges eyes numerous times, and I could tell she was truly listening to what we had to say. This helped me immensely. It also gave me the courage to look directly at Zachery Doan as I read through the tough parts of my statement, too. As I finished my statement, hoping I delivered it perfectly, I then had to verify the video of my Grandma’s statement.

                “He chose to forcefully enter my Grandma’s house to rob her—and instead of just taking the purse from the floor, he chose to brutally beat her blind with his fists, and leave her for dead.”

That was where I took a turn. The day I made that video, I spent hours and hours doing it. I watched it over and over again, and unfortunately, it’s also burned into my mind. I made it to the “he took my freedom,” and my heart went crazy, and my lungs seized up, and my centered calm self was suddenly out of control. After the video, I left the Prosecutor’s table, and headed back to my seat. I was doing my best to remain together on the outside, while inside everything was exploding.

Next came the sentence, the tears and overflowing emotion and relief when justice was brought down. Finally, some bits of justice for Grandma. I couldn’t help but gasp, and let a few tears fall. We did it. For Her. For Us. For the elderly. Justice was so deserved in this case. Perfect timing for the tiniest hand to squeeze my, and whispers, “you did a good job, mommy.” Although he did file an appeal, we have been advised on that as well. If we needed to be there for repeat statements, I think we’d all do it again.

Major thanks to the Prosecutor’s, Detectives and Officers involved in this case. Your dedication to your work is so appreciated.

But wouldn’t you know, as if this day wasn’t dramatic enough as it was… suddenly, we’re surrounded by law enforcement as the criminals family begins running out of the court room like a bunch of idiots. The police scatter to secure the area, and keep us safe. Still not really sure what the hell happened. Some said they ran to try to see their felon, guilty, ugly, dense, bully ogre of a family member. Some said they were up to no good. I personally didn’t care. Justice for Nancy had happened. Finally. We were escorted out of the court house with armed guards, and that was that.


Honestly, I wasn’t sure how I’d take the sentence. I mean, what can ever make this completely right again?? Nothing. Not 50 years. Not 70 years. Not Life in prison. Nothing fixes Grandma, and only time will heal us. But 70 years…that means he’ll be 89, if he even makes it that long. That’s what I was hoping for…

                “I would hope that the pictures of her damaged face remain in his head for the rest of his living life. I would also hope that his sentence is long enough to ensure that his prime years are missed, and he is only left with his elderly years, if ever released.”

What an experience. What a trying, taxing, exhausting, challenging, eye-opening, learning, brain-breaking, growing, crazy ass experience this has been. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, except maybe one person: Zachery Doan. Karma’s always got a way of coming back around… And ohh bubby, you’re so overdue!! I bet it’s only going to take you a week or two in the state penn with those smooth baby cheeks looking like a young man to find yourself a special friend!! Aww, and I bet he’s going to take real good care of you, too! And get to know you, really deeply.

Justice for Nancy will never be “over.” It will just keep on, keeping on with future hearings and the like. The things that have happened to the elderly people in my life have truly struck a chord in me, and it is something I will always write about. Advocate for. I’ve essentially lost my Grandma’s, but I’d surely love to make you aware of things and how to better help protect YOUR Grandma.

Thanks, again, for all of your thoughts, good vibes, and support.

2 thoughts on “Justice for Nancy: Justice, Truths & Thanks ~ Part 2”

  1. You did everyhing perfect. In your writings. Judy and I hope you and your familys can get on with your lives

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