Author Skye Falcon Justice For Nancy Justice for Nancy: “Sick ass People.”

Justice for Nancy: “Sick ass People.”

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Justice for Nancy: “Sick ass people.”


You’re probably wondering, “Oh no…what on earth does that title mean?” Well, I won’t keep you waiting any longer! Over the past few weeks, we’ve gotten to see the “true colors” of the family closely related to the dipshit, worthless, hopeless, heartless, scumbag SOULLESS ogre who did this to my Grandma. After certain recent “things” coming to light, I’m disheartened to SEE EXACTLY where he learned his stupidity, disrespect for authority, and lack of truth from. Social media has given us a constant in to see the thoughts of these…less than quality folks, and this weekend, they ended one of their rants with, “stupid ass people,” (but of course it was misspelled…) referring NOT to their own child, or grandson, but instead to comments made in light of other comments made, that did indeed sound quite…incestuous. (Yes, yes… you read that right…) And they seriously failed to connect the lines to see the irony. According to these folks, mean or spiteful (and obviously untrue) words make them hateful and rage, and type “stupid ass people.” However, the violent beating of an elderly woman at the hands of their own family member does not earn that same title. Hmph. Interesting.

So, here I am…left wondering how in the hell you people function being THAT dense? DO you not realize yet that he PLEAD GUILTY?? Do you know that pleading guilty means that YOU ARE ADMITTING YOU DID IT? HE DID THE CRIME! But, yet you’re not convinced HE’S the SICK person? It doesn’t matter if someone else helped him. It doesn’t matter if he wore a pink unicorn shoe when he did it. It doesn’t matter that you feel bad, want to throw your own family under the bus, or place the blame on everyone but your ugly piece of shit son/bubby/grandson. It doesn’t matter that one ugly excuse tried to get in our faces to tell us “how wrong we are.” This monster, under the careful guidance of his qualified public defender, was advised and CHOSE to plead GUILTY. (Maybe reading it 5 or 6 times will help you…) You watched as he sat in court, and with his own voice (while shaky, not manly, and weak…) admitted he broke in, beat the shit out of an old woman, and stole the life she knew. He barely looked at the judged, and replied to his questions with even less respect. HE. IS. GUILTY. And let’s face it, you STILL defending that shit just makes YOU look even MORE pathetic…

HOW can you DEFEND his GUILTY actions? Don’t you think, that if he were really, truly not guilty (which is hurts my fingers to type, because those with a brain understand his admitted guilt…) his lawyer would have NOT allowed him to plead guilty? Don’t you think he’d be waiting for his moment in court, to tell “what really happened?” Oh, that’s right….because you do know what really happened. And how is that for you? Do you worry about him doing this to your own family members? His nieces? Nephews? How do you know he won’t want your $100 bill out of your purse, and kill you for it?

So, here’s a friendly reminder for you, since you’ve all pointed out how much you love MY words on my “book” here. If you put your words out there on the internet, be prepared for people like me, and others, to come along and point out your idiocies. Your stupidity. Your incestuous comments. Your lack of seeing the bigger picture. Be prepared for people to drive your ill-stated points and comments into the ground. Be prepared for judgment of many, as that’s what you’ve set yourselves up for. That’s what HE set up for you.

In this life, we’re all human. We all have a certain moral code to follow, and when it isn’t followed, we as humans, tend to band together to ensure that people like HIM are put away, and rot. Maybe, instead of focusing on what the rest of the world is thinking about the guilty Zachery Doan… you should turn your focus to the younger generation in your bloodline who is OBVIOUSLY being raised THE SAME horrendous way that he was. Maybe, if you want a different future for them, you should make sure they know right from wrong, and that they don’t fall into the “peer pressure” you’d like to continually blame this on. Maybe, as a mother, you should use correct English, and set those examples for your kids. Maybe you should keep them from going down the same path that more than one of your family has gone down. (Yes, yes public records are open…) The examples we’ve seen being set for them won’t do it, I assure you.

Facts are facts, and they’ll all be coming out very soon, with details. Until then, really think about who the “sick ass people” are here in this situation. And then really, really think about how people in jail will treat the sick ass individual who beat and took the life of an 80 year old woman…and then admitted it without a care in the world.


3 thoughts on “Justice for Nancy: “Sick ass People.””

  1. You go girl !!!! I,ve said it twice now, you tell it like it is. Keep up the good work….

  2. My sister and I visited Mom tonight and she is failing rapidly. She seems much weaker today then she did yesterday and Laurie could not even tempt her with the gizzards she wanted so badly yesterday. She is pretty much disinterested in everything right now. Her back is bothering her which is indicative of kidney failure. I took a short video of her tonight that I might be sharing with the judge who will be sentencing this monster. Talk about a sick person…anyone that can do what he did to an 80 year old woman is as sick as they come. My Christian upbringing tells me I will have to eventually forgive this monster but right now I am very far away from being able to do this. Seeing what he did to her and continues to do to her makes me hope he rots in hell both here on earth and later for when he truly will have to answer for his actions.

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