Labels. I’m Exhausted.


Labels. I’m Exhausted.

*Begin Word Vomit*

So many labels have been slapped on to my unwilling forehead this year, and I’m so incredibly tired of it. Between the bitchy, small-minded, large mouthed ex-coworkers I had, or the pastor that runs the place, or “foes” fronting as “friends”…I am appalled. I’m apparently a trouble making, obsessed marriage ruin-attempting generally bad person. And don’t get me started on what they’re saying about my kids

(Yes, I’m aware some of those are not even real words.) ((Whatever.))

The funny thing is though, looking over my days…they are spent teaching and helping my children learn, furthering my own knowledge in college working towards another degree, taking care of my sick self, making ridiculously good food, and working hard on my own businesses. I rarely leave my house (due to the previously listed things) and I’m most often sitting in my pj’s, under a pile of blankets (even in the A/C), oblivious to the world. Sometimes I head to work and I teach people about their bodies, intimate things, and how to recover themselves after illness. Some call me a “sexpert,” and that’s a title I cherish for so many reasons.

I am not, however, oblivious to the things being said. The meetings being held to discuss me, almost 6 years after I’ve left the job. (Hello, HIPPA violations! Bless your heart! …who’s obsessed here???) I am not oblivious to the backstabbing nastiness that resides in that area, and I’m pretty close to taking action against it. For whatever the reason, I’m contacted by certain people only to discuss my tormented teenage years, and the idiots that filled the space. When it moved into my neighborhood….I left. I’ve also left the relationships that seemed to be centered on the drama in my life. Those that were on the crazy train to watch it crash and burn, have since been removed.


Dwelling on the control, the violence, the threats, the continued stalking doesn’t ever help. Listening to your rumors crushes my spirit, and makes the events from my teenage years seem like yesterday. Trust me, it’s kept fresh enough by coded messages, trinkets arriving via USPS, interloping into members of the family and events, permanently burned in memories that are as vivid as now, etc. Listening to you try to make me into a crazy “obsessed” women is…..unspeakable. Do you treat all abuse victims that way? Do you call woman who have been hit, controlled, raped, mentally abused, physically abused, stalked and harassed…crazy? So, what do you call the people who witnessed these events? Are they crazy, too?

Of course you do. You treat everyone that way. You talk about every parent at the school, every neighbor, and every person you come across. You discuss their dress, the way they parent, how their kids act, how skinny they are, you rarely miss a step…even better? You have nicknames for them. You drink, you swear, you cheat the rules….and hide behind your bibles & “bless your hearts.” You’ve harassed other coworkers, too. You are worse than pond scum.


How do I know all of this? Because I made the unfortunate mistake of trusting you all those years ago, and thinking you were REAL WOMEN who were true friends. That is the most laughable joke I’ve ever heard. You’re bullies, who have small lives and make it a point to insert yourselves in whatever drama floats by. You like to grab on to it, and flap those jaws all over town. Too bad more calories aren’t burned for spewing trash and creating rumors….you’d be so thin!

I’m asking one final time to leave me in the past, where I’ve tried to leave you. Stop trying to stalk me in person, and on social media. Stop calling meetings to discuss me. Stop talking about and making ridiculous accusations about my children. Stop it with your stupid lies. Stop being a pathetic asshole. It would be so easy for me to share your sorted stories with the world, but I don’t roll that way. (Lucky for you.) I do, however, firmly believe in defamation suits, and I’m pretty sure that could ruin a business such as the one you’re in. And anyway, shouldn’t you be off praying for forgiveness somewhere about your latest gossip?



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