Author Skye Falcon Honest Author Moments & Happenings Look Out! The Vultures are Circling!!

Look Out! The Vultures are Circling!!

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Look out! The Vultures are Circling!!


I hate that lately, every time I sign in to any one of my newsfeeds, some author is being ripped apart, victimized, or slathered with personal attacking reviews. I don’t even understand how people have that much spare time to leave such hateful, not-related-to-the-book reviews to begin with. Personally, I’d never leave a review based on anything other than the story and plot of said book. It’s really disheartening to read, see, and witness first hand.

It really is true. You have to have the toughest skin around. The negative comments, the mean and spiteful hits, and all of the bad just make you really, REALLY have to want to do this. Because if you only half-way want to do it, you’ll end up quitting with the third, “Oh, yeah…her book just didn’t do it for me.” After questioning yourself, and every bad comment…you’ll know if you’re in it for good, or just testing out book writing as a hobby.

I’m in it to win it. I’ve got big plans, goals set, and things are happening. I’m excited for what the future holds, especially since I’m double dipping with many kinds of writing. Cook books, smut novels, heartfelt stories of friendship and illness… along with books on adoption for middle aged children. I’m going to be working on solidifying my Trademark and further protect my titles and words in the next few weeks. (Hate it when you sign in, and see some random author using YOUR TITLE for their…”book”…. grr…..) I’ll be at my first author event in November 2014, with books available to buy!! 2015 I’ve signed up for a few closer major events, and am hopeful that my health holds out to attempt these things!!

I cannot wait to make some announcements book-wise in the next few months!! Thank you for your continued support!!

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