Author Skye Falcon Medical Chaos, Chronically Awesome Issues, & Information Notes from the Mental Wellness Summit: Kimberly Snyder

Notes from the Mental Wellness Summit: Kimberly Snyder

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Notes from the Mental Wellness Summit: Kimberly Snyder


This August, I had the chance to attend another amazing online summit that covered mental health, nutrition, and so much more! I love learning everything I can from the world’s top renowned doctors, nutritionists, and life coaches around. The notes I’ve taken from these events are just that- informative notes. If at any time you have questions about the notes I’ve taken, or about the person giving the information in the summit, you will find their information on the posts, as well, so you can seek out the source!

Kimberly Snyder is a nutritionist, yogi, and author. One of her books, “The Beauty Detox,” is very informative and helpful for those seeking out better nutrition, and living. Here are the notes taken from her session of the summit!

*SAD diet: Standard American Diet: no real food, most all processed with toxic fats and additives. Too much animal protein and stress.

*”Outer Beauty” is “inner health.”

*Detoxing: (skin, lungs, colon, kidneys) rid body of unnaturals: chemicals, additives, toxins.

*If you drink alcohol, your liver cannot properly detox.

*”Cleanse.” Toxins leave your body, but you must avoid toxin re-absorption. Mobilize and eliminate toxins. Reintroduce foods very slowly to give the body time to react, if it will.

*Frequency of Cleansing: varies by person, but many choose to cleanse seasonally, or four times per year. Living with daily detox and cleansing habits helps to restore gut health.

*Vinegar soaks SO IMPORTANT for the dirty dozen (veggies & fruits).

*”Juice isn’t whole food.” Translation: those who juice still need a certain amount of whole foods to be healthy.

*Superfoods: lemons (lemon ginger water), room temperature drinks (water), fiber-rich foods, salads & smoothies.

*Favorite Quote: “Toxicity doesn’t just come from food.”


Top THREE Health Tips:

1. Meditation

  1. LOTS of greens!
  2. Sleep!


Stay tuned! Next round of notes from the Mental Wellness Summit will be from Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD! He is the founder of the Gluten Free Soceity.

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