October 2016 Updates!


October 2016 Updates!

Where the hell did this year go?

I mean, just a few months ago it feels like I released Accidental Life Sentence, and I’m not even sure it’s sunken in yet that Gated Secrets has been out for two months, and seems to have a future being published by someone other than myself! Uhm, I mean a publisher….not like someone stole it or anything.

There’s one last event for 2016, and it’s in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I love the events that are close to home: less packing, less stress, less medical complication, and tons of fun hanging out with local readers and creating new reading groups. The Glass City Author Event was October 8, and raised $2,100 for the R.I.S.E. Program, which helps people who have been affected by human trafficking. That group is based in Ohio. I’m thrilled knowing all of these awesome authors and fabulous event hosts worked that hard and made such an impact!

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Before Glass City, there was the Indie Unmasked event in Indianapolis in August. I didn’t get to hang out too much extra before or after the event because we decided to make it a family weekend, and let the kids swim and play at one of the big hotels near said event. I still had a BLAST at this event, and got to hang out with the amazing MariaLisa deMora and her lovely assistant Kay. I’ll be getting to hang with her again in November, and I’m super excited for this! If you haven’t checked out her books, and you love MC series…DO IT! Take the plunge! 🙂 I also got to meet J.A. Hensley, who is another educator like myself! I love meeting like-minds!

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I’ve gotten LOTS of questions lately about everything I’m working on, and man- it’s a lot. And about events that are coming up for 2017, too! I’ll be making a Facebook event for each event next year. Those will be posting soon on my page! I’m graduating this December with another degree, and after will be throwing myself in to my writing, and the OH, Forks!™ foodie business which is still rolling strong and building day by day! I AM participating in NaNoWriMo this November, and am ready to go on that! I am anticipating two novels to be published next year, along with another cook book!

I hope all of you had a fabulous summer! I hope I get to see you at the last event this year, or at one of the many events in IN, OH, and MI next year!!

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