Author Skye Falcon Book News & Information OH, Forks!! and Updates!

OH, Forks!! and Updates!




OH, Forks!! and Updates!


It’s been a minute since I’ve written a normal, overly wordy blog update for my followers, and I thought it was indeed time. I’ve been busily working with Gluten Free for Me trying to get the funding they need to print the first mass amount of these cook books. These cook book are SO AMAZING! They are written with gluten free recipes, but the wonderful part is, you can use your own FULL OF GLUTEN foods in them, too!

These recipes are everything from base recipes on how to make your own cream of mushroom, to basic breakfast bread recipes, all the way up to the complicated completely homemade lasagna recipes! What’s even better? There are nutrition labels on these recipes so you can also follow your calorie count, and know what you’re eating.

I care so much about this cook book because it’s truly beneficial to all involved in the project. My own personal experience with dealing with eating gluten free has been extensive over the years, and I’m happy to contribute to this awesome project. We’re just hoping that our first campaign is a success, and we can find the backers we need to help us get started!!

Please consider checking out our campaign following the link below. For supporting us in this venture you’ll get rewards! SWAG items, my novels, tshirts, and LOTS and LOTS of thanks and social media recognition!! Thank you is you’ve already pledged, and please consider sharing the link if you have not!!

OH, Forks!! A Little Bit of Everything and All That’s Gluten Free KickStarter Campaign

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