Author Skye Falcon Book News & Information One Month: Phoenix Reclaimed off to Edits & Oh, Forks! Orderables

One Month: Phoenix Reclaimed off to Edits & Oh, Forks! Orderables

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One Month: Phoenix Reclaimed off to Edits & Oh, Forks! Orderables

It’s official! Phoenix Reclaimed is DONE and off to edits! This book gave me the NERVES because I went places I hadn’t gone before. The story line has a major twist….it sort of snuck up on me, too!! (I’m hoping it’s the kind that backhands you in the face, and leaves a sneaky, ornery smile…) When I first plotted the major points in the story, I anticipated it would be a little shorter than the first two books in the series, Phoenix Rising and Phoenix on Fire….but it turns out to be just about as long as the others!

Diving even deeper into the taboo realms of drugs and sex, Janie and Gabe are again in the depths of insanity and unfortunate circumstance. In years past, they’d been forced to deal with things no one should ever have to face. Their experience and dedication to each other guides them through the paths of hell, false friends and business partners. Janie’s drive, strength, and persistence shines through in the end, and she reclaims everything that’s hers.

I’m always excited for edits, as my helpers are pretty fabulous people (Thanks, GoodTimesPublications!), who really make the process a little easier to swallow. I find that in my first round of edits, I always seem to add in the craziest new parts. I’ll re-read a certain scene, and decide it’s not quite hot enough, insane enough, or whacked enough. True story.

While I’ve been busily working on all of that story related stuff, and prepping for my upcoming author event in October of this year, I’ve been busily growing my gluten free blog and cook book, too!! I had my first huge OH, FORKS! cook book event and samplings…and it went SO WELL! Feedback has led to something I’d really only dreamed of….I’m now taking orders for delivery and catering locally in Fort Wayne! It’s pretty neat, and sort of stressful. Learning the State’s laws wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be. In fact, I think settling on a certain packaging is even more challenging!

I appreciate everyone who follows, supports, and backs all my crazy ventures! I’m really excited to get things rolling in the Gluten Free for Me kitchen, too!!!

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