Author Skye Falcon Book News & Information Phoenix on Fire is Live!!! And a Side-Note on Slowing Down…

Phoenix on Fire is Live!!! And a Side-Note on Slowing Down…

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Phoenix on Fire is Live!! And a Side-Note on Slowing Down…


PHOENIX ON FIRE is here!!! And very live!! The second installment of the Janie saga is a fast read, for sure! I’m testing out a newer format for the e-books, so hopefully they work as they should!! If you’re interested in a free BETA reader to leave me some reviews, please let me know!

Phoenix on Fire Nook

Phoenix on Fire Kindle

Phoenix on Fire Paperback


Side-note on Slowing Down…

A week and a half ago, honestly, I had no clue what was coming at me like a train. The book had been done for weeks, but life just had this way of repeatedly making me focus elsewhere. It’s these major health events, life events, that really make you stop and rethink everything. Re-plan. Refocus. Constantly reevaluating what you’re doing, if it’s going to work, if you’re really psychotic or pushing too hard…. I hate it. So, from right now, in this moment….I want you to know that I get it. I might not have gotten it quite like this if this past week hadn’t happened, hell, if this past month hadn’t happened. But it has.

Guilty. I was going too fast again. I was speeding through my every day, not taking the time to do the little things. The little things that in our end, do matter. Those relationships. Those words. Our daily routine was nothing I couldn’t do blindfolded, even adding in afternoon naps because my body couldn’t do a full day anymore. Being a Mom, dishes, laundry, being a wife, homework, business work, education, work….life….supporting friends and family….illness……(the list is endless) It was all rolling out of control. But in the same breath, it all has to be done to live in this crazy world. I get that, too.

I implore you, my reader, to slow down. You might not think you’re over-doing it. You might think you’ve got this all under control. Maybe you’ve even “given it to God.” Or maybe you have nightly cocktails. Maybe you’re hitting the gym for hours a day. Maybe you can’t get off of the couch. And that’s okay, too….But….you still need to stop. Look around, and breathe. Take in the quiet, and calm your internal voices. Multiple times a day. Often. See, we only have this one body, and one brain, and I can tell you more than some others can….. There will come a point when things start to fall apart, and they’ll never go back to the way they were before. Maybe because of one specific event, or because of a slow demise of other things. You really need to care more for that body, and that brain you have there. I’m going to be working on this more, as I transition more into writing for a living.

THANK YOU friends, family, everyone for your continued support! Hopefully life will allow me to write to support my family, and still be present in this world for many, many years to come!

Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, please!!!

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