Author Skye Falcon Reviews on Books, Products, and More Sharing is Caring!! Important Pages, Blogs, and People to Know on Social Media

Sharing is Caring!! Important Pages, Blogs, and People to Know on Social Media

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Sharing is Caring!! Important Pages, Blogs, and People to Know on Social Media


As an indie author still not ready to sell to these hungry publishing companies, I’m always so grateful to the blogs, blog pages, reading group pages, and other authors who are supportive, and help along the way. Being that I’m new to all of “this stuff,” I’ve slowly been dipping my toes in here and there. These blogs and pages should have your LIKE on social media, because they’re professional, nice to deal with, and really care about helping ALL indie’s out!!


Book Reviews, Blogs & Amazon Links

Not only does this blog promote new authors, share all sorts of author related things, AND do giveaways…she’s also really sweet! It’s rare in this world to meet up with someone who understands the medical side of your life, and I really appreciate that. I don’t know if she knows it or not, but she held my first author spotlight!! J Here’s a little about the page, from the owner herself!

“Here at Book Reviews, Blogs and Amazon Links we are all about the Authors and our Readers.

We try to promote the Authors in many ways including sharing their links; sharing author posts; doing author takeovers; spotlights on authors, new releases and cover reveals; author, reader and Q&A, posting reviews and hosting giveaways.

Any way we can help the Authors through promotion we do it.

We want to give the Readers a way to find talented authors and great books.

Authors please visit us and share your links so I can help promote you and share your talent with our readers.” –A.M.

If you’re on Facebook, swing by and give the page a LIKE!! Tell her Skye sent you!! 🙂


Not Enough Ebooks  

Technically, I’ve never directly spoken to any of the people who run this page, but THEY ROCK!! They’ve caught my sales, shared my statuses and giveaways, and helped without ever being asked!! I can’t thank you enough, and all of those shares never go unnoticed!!

If you’re an Indie, I hope you’ve already gone over to Facebook, and LIKED this page!!


GoodTimes Publications

This is a newer place, but a GREAT one to work with!! (Why so great?! Because I work there, too!!) The best part is that in 2015, they’re offering FREE advice and assistance in getting new authors and bloggers set up on social media! They do have services too, of course, but that free guidance can be SOO HELPFUL!! They’re also opening up a section of their blog for book reviews and blog tours, too!! If you’re around Facebook, go check out their page!! Their blog page is at


HA! Too many to name! Those involved with the Great Lakes author event, Glass City, and Indy events have been more than helpful! I’ll just say that so far I’m seeing and feeling more good things coming out of the author community here lately than I’ve read about!! Here’s hoping it stays that way!!

I’m also grateful to have met many local authors at the Allen County Public Library’s event in November of 2014!! It’s nice having locals on my newsfeed that I KNOW!! And I’m so EXCITED to meet even more authors at the events I’m signed for in 2015 and 2016!!

(Fiery) Falconettes

My people! My people! HA. You’re the people who help me out by sharing my statuses. You’re the ones who tell your friends about my books. You’re the ones who offer kind words, pornographic pictures, and insane text messages at just the right times to push me through a rough writing spot, or moment. You’re the ones who blog about me, post about me, and randomly write nice things about me. At any point, I’d love to have a room made on Facebook for just you, if you’re interested. You’d find out secrets, book details, sneak peeks…..and ARCs!! If you wanted to do this, let’s discuss it. I’d, of course, make it worth you while…. *insert devilish smirking face here*

I’m excited to contact the pages all again to do an author spotlight, and you should, too!! Thanks to all of the people, blogs, pages, and those who are always supportive in this crazy, hectic, fabulous world of words, books, and publishing!!

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