Skye: The 2014 Happenings.

PoF redo

Skye: The 2014 Happenings.


Welcome 2014! I’ve been waiting for you for months. As you may have noted, 2013 had it’s moments, like publishing Phoenix Rising. But it had a lot more hard times, that shadowed the really good stuff. Well, not this year! This year is my year!!! I’ve got THREE works that should be hitting the shelves this year alone, and that’s not counting anything that might pop up this year! I’ve very excited to start the 2014 marketing push with the release of all of the books later this year, and introduce you SOON, to my “PR” lady, Raven Hart. Don’t let the name fool you, she’s not to be messed with.

Book Updates:

Phoenix Rising is getting corrected, and finally revamped! If you’re one of the lucky couple of hundred who has a copy already, you’ll be the only ones who have the “messy” first prints. I apologize for that… that’s what happens in some of the major online editors. Words are spelled right, but incorrect tenses are used. Anyway, feel lucky if you’ve got the messy one…as it fits me so much better.

Phoenix on Fire is moving along nicely! A quarter of the way through the novel, and Janie’s up to her ass already in trouble. Her new business is booming, and her clientele is…adventurous, loaded, and sexy. Don’t panic, Gabe’s still hotter than ever, and taking care of their brood at home, too. The Visitor plagues the first half of the book, while secrets, betrayal, and heavy amounts of lust roll through the chapters. Janie’s losing herself, once again. Think she’ll dig her way out before it’s too late?

*New Project. I’m working on a short stories book, filled with some of the BEST and WORST thins I’ve come across in my 10+ years in the adult industry. A few people have heard tidbits of these stories, and have cried due to hysterical laughter. I can’t wait to share these stories with you!!! (Oh, and if you’re worried a story MAY be about you– do not fear! I’ll give you a special pretend name in any story to conceal your true identity. But know this, it is a FACT that I still know your name, and everything you ordered from me.) To follow news on this book, check out my business Facebook page.

The Gluten Free Cookbook I’m collaborating with GoodTimes Publications on is coming along nicely, too. Word is that the recipe count is almost maxed out for the book, which means the next step for us is picturing and making nutritional labels for each recipe!!

I’m excited to share the year with you!!! Please continue to check back, leave comments, suggestions, positive words, whatever! I look forward to chatting with you!! Look for more reviews, words, and art for sale on my site this year!!

Don’t forget to LIKE me on Facebook!!!


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