Author Skye Falcon Book News & Information Skye’s Updates: June 2015: Phoenix Reclaimed heads to Edits!

Skye’s Updates: June 2015: Phoenix Reclaimed heads to Edits!

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Skye’s Updates: June 2015: Phoenix Reclaimed heads to Edits!


It seems like it’s been years since I’ve updated, but really it’s only been weeks! It’s been such a busy few months, with events, takeovers, and all sorts of internet crazy. Along with the internet crazy, there has been a fair share of actual crazy in the form of obsessed, unhinged, and small life-d ex-coworkers. Thankfully, I’ve been too busy excelling at work, and not giving a shit, that their antics went on for the most part ignored.

I’ve recently finished writing the last book in the Probed Saga series, Phoenix Reclaimed. If you’ve followed along, the first book, Phoenix Rising, was published in April of 2013. Phoenix on Fire came the following year, and was published April of 2014. I then took a little break from erotic romance and suspense, and wrote and published another cook book, OH, Forks!! A Little Bit of Everything and All That’s Gluten Free in October of 2014.

Now begins the process of editing and formatting, and perfecting the last bits of Janie’s story! The Probed Saga is an epic journey through life about everything that can happen in trusting the wrong person, making the wrong move, and not having the faith in yourself. Pain, heartache and lust can be hidden under the cloud of what mimics love, but is truly life altering deceit. In Phoenix Reclaimed, again duped by the people she trusts the most, Janie must step up to the plate yet again, to save the life she so badly wants.

On top of working on finishing up the Probed Saga, I’ve also got another cook book in the works. This one will be an e-book, with more buying options for customers. I’ll also be working on completing the e-book versions of OH, Forks!! Made smaller, and more cost effective! (Only proceeds from the coil bound cook book sales will remain going to both of the charities.) I’ve also got some stand-alone books coming!

It’s going to be a GREAT next few years, and I’m excited for the ride!! Thank you for supporting me, and sticking with me on this journey while I build my base! As you know, or may have heard, I am #allaboutthatbase!

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