Author Skye Falcon Book News & Information,Honest Author Moments & Happenings The Extreme Writer’s Focus. (And why you shouldn’t break it.)

The Extreme Writer’s Focus. (And why you shouldn’t break it.)

PoF redo

The Extreme Writer’s Focus.
An example of why not to bother writer’s when they’re “in focus.” 

So, there I was, deep in scene development, writing about the person who has been stalking one of my characters. It’s a person from her past, and so far, the identity of the stalker has not been revealed. I had the mood completely set, lights dimmed, the “stalker” playlist playing on my speakers, and I was alone. Made it through the base of the chapter, then my stalker turns to night stalking into windows, tapping on the glass, you know the behavior.
Now let’s back up a minute. I recently changed my ringtone for notifications on my cell to the Mocking Jay call from the Hunger Games. (PS. I love Jennifer Lawrence.) There I sat, deep in the scene. Feverishly typing three words a second, and BAM! The cell phone goes off, and scares the s&*t out of me. In that instant, I went from being an author who was doing GREAT at pumping out this scene, to completely forgetting my name, where I was, and what I was doing.

The next thing I knew, the gap in my windows’ blinds were moving. I could SWEAR that someone was looking in the window at me, as well. I had instant internal monologue, (which if you know me, know it’s a pretty regular occurrence) that argued that I was just being delusional from writing such a heavy, awesome chapter. No. NO! There was definitely someone watching me through my window. The hair was up on my neck, and my whole body was shaking. SERIOUSLY! Sigh. I’m shaking my head right now, you just can’t see me. Trust me. I’m ridiculous.
It took me nearly 20 minutes to recover, and refocus again. Thankfully, this time, I fell right back into the same rut, and pushed out 4,000 words in an hour. I’m really excited at the progression of Phoenix on Fire #2 in the Probed Saga. I just couldn’t help but share with you just one of the many things that happens when you pull a writer from the depths of their story.

And, I hope you got a giggle.


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