Author Skye Falcon Lyrics I Love & Words to Live By Vanity. And a bit of inspiration.

Vanity. And a bit of inspiration.


“Vanity” a poem by Shanelle Gabriel

Sometimes I stumble across things that I identify with so much, that I sort of get a smirk while I’m reading, or watching whatever it is. In this case, it’s about Lupus. A very close friend of mine is riddled with autoimmune diseases, and SLE Lupus is secondary for her. I find it so awe inspiring that it is so often the people who face the most demons, hardships, and terrible situations….that are the ones who never give up. Who push relentlessly. Who never accept status quo. I don’t know this lady, but I love her…and her outlook on things. Very glad I stumbled across this. Hope you enjoy it, too.
XO, Skye

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