Author Skye Falcon Shorts, Poems & More (Skye Falcon©) Poems and Such from the Teenage Years (1998)

Poems and Such from the Teenage Years (1998)


Here are some of my first works of poetry, where it all began. I’ve had numerous poems featured all over the place, over the years. Angst-filled as ever, just a young kid trying to process events I should have never known about.

(These poems will appear in The Dark Forks of My Mind poetry compilation book.)


Heaven (copyrighted 1998)

Over a sea of starlight
Under a blanket of dew,
There is a place where everything shimmers,
Where everything is blue.
Through a field of dreams
And over a river of hopes,
This place will make it easier to sleep,
And easier, for Us, to cope.
Run through the great wide open,
Fold the blanket of hate.
Realize that all along
There was no reason to fear fate.
Walk to your future
Don’t shed another tear.
Look back on your hopes and dreams,
And leave all your fears.
Reach up for the stars; it’s what you deserve
Walk through the misty air
And crawl into the bed of midnight blue.
Pull up the covers, spotted with stars
And we’ll always look up to you,
And keep you safely in our hearts.



Fate (copyrighted 1998)

You don’t see through my eyes, but I can see your lonely pitiful cries.
You cry over friends and boys day and night, that puts you into a position to try to fight.
I just sit back in my chair and laugh at you. You do this often, so that’s what I always do.
I’ve tried to help you in the past, but those looks…those looks I get from you- I know they’ll never last.
You’re more afraid of yourself than you are of me. I’ve told you this before, but you just won’t let it be.
You think that because I’m not real, that it’s okay not to listen. You’re wrong, and should pay attention…I’m a huge deal.
I try to steer you in the right direction- so you’ll take the right path.. But this trail you’ve taken is not mine, just wait until the aftermath hits you. It will ruin your life- which has caused Mr. Right to pass you by…putting you through all this torture and strife.
Now you’re facing two different men. Mr. Maybe and Mr. Hell-No (who sings his beautiful song), but since you won’t listen to me, your next decision will be wrong.
I know who you’re choosing…the one that fills your head with lies. In a few days time, I’ll again be with you when you cry.
I just can’t help you anymore today. Just choose wisely so you don’t get hurt. I’ll be behind you all the way.
Please, think it over. Un-confuse yourself before it’s too late. But don’t get mad, be troubled, or begin to hate…. Just stare into his eyes, and follow your fate.



The Best of Both Worlds (copyrighted 1998)

You stare at me, constantly…but yet it’s her that you see.
Over you? Right. I’ll never be.
You keep me hanging on…I’m holding on tight-
But yet when we share everything, all we do is fight.
Love, to you, I’ve learned is nothing at all.
So then why do you run to me every time you fall?
Do you feel me in her kiss? Do you hear me on your line?
Do you tell yourself to just give it more time?
So, time for what? I need to know, my dear.
Today I saw her, dripping with tears.
You’re caught in between the best of both worlds.
It was me, I was always there, you loved me for a time.
It was me you hugged and kissed… and stared at….
-who you’re still staring at…(I wish you’d stop)
Why do you do these things? Why hold on to this?
It’s tearing me apart, and I know you know it.
I know you feel it, somewhere in the pits of your heart.
Once, you taught me to live.
Now, what exactly does this give?
She’s looking at you, while you’re looking at me.
She’d never understand what we had.
I don’t even understand, but we refused to let it be.
So, just like today, tomorrow, and the next day again-
You’ll be stuck in the best of both worlds until the end.

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